簡介 Introduction

This is the companion website to Waitau and Hakka: Hong Kong Indigenous Language Story Collection (Lau and Tang, 2024), showcasing stories in Waitou and Hakka collected from communities in the Hong Kong countryside. These tales encompass vast categories including children’s stories, folklore, local history and custom as well as village life, and are accompanied by multimedia representations such as recordings, animations and illustrations or photographs. Our project aims to allow the general public to learn and transmit indigenous languages and culture, with a view to encountering Hong Kong from a lesser-known perspective.

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圍頭話 Waitau
客家話 Hakka
勘誤 Errata

Updated on 2024.06.23

  • 故事文本中 眉豆 有誤,應作地豆(di6 däu2)
  • 其後找到新證據指政府只鼓勵標準葡語的口體,但反對土生葡語的使用,特此更正。
鳴謝 Acknoledgement

We wish to thank the following organisations for their funding and assistance during the completion of this project.