Lesson 14 政府部門 Government Departments

學習目標 Learning Objectives

  1. 學會用粵拼打出和政府部門有關的詞語。
    Learn to type characters and words related to government departments in Jyutping.
  2. 學習韻母aangeotip的組合和常見單字、詞語。
    Learn common characters and words with the rhymes aang, eot, and ip.

重點詞語 Key Vocabulary

律師leot6 si1 協助hip3 zo6 橫幅waang4 fuk1 逛街kwaang3 gaai1 tip3 接受採訪zip3 sau6 coi2 fong2 網頁mong5 jip6 涉及sip3 kap6 gang3

語音簡介 Phonetics Overview

簡介 Introduction

今次學習的 3 個韻母是:aangeotip
We will learn 3 rhymes: aang, eot, ip.

韻母 Rhyme


下面是有 aang 韻母的字。讀音是一個很長的 aa 然後再加上一個 ng
The following words contain the rhyme aang. It is made by first producing a very long aa sound and then closing with an ng sound.


下面是有 eot 韻母的字。讀音有點像 at 的圓唇版。
The following words contain the rhyme eot. Like at, the vowel is very short and closes abruptly with a t, but eo is read with poutier lips than a. For a better idea, mimick your teacher!


下面是有 ip 韻母的字。讀音是一個很短的 i 然後再加上一個 p
The following words contain the rhyme ip. It is made by first producing a very short i sound and then closing with a p.

語文知識 Language Knowledge

簡介 Introduction

嘗試在筆記欄打出 seot,然後找出幾個例字。
Try typing seot in the notes column, then pick a few characters from the list to output.
Do these characters have anything in common?

聲旁介紹 Phonetic Components Overview

We can sometimes guess the sound of a character from its parts. In this case, the following characters with the sound component「朮」are pronounced seot.

部首介紹 Radical Overview


The radical of a character has a meaningful categorizing function. The radical “木” is related to the meaning of trees or wood.

詞彙練習 Vocabulary Exercise

看圖填充 Fill-in-the-blanks

填充題1(看圖填充): 老師可以: 1)展示圖片「表達意見」 2)教導學生提示的粵拼代表甚麼漢字:提醒學生用Typeduck的英語字義翻譯尋找正確漢字 (答案:逛街、貼、律師、橫幅) 3)由老師帶領完成完成填充題
Fill-in-the-blank question 1 (based on the image): Here are some suggested activity steps:

  1. Show the picture “Expressing Opinions”.
  2. Teach students the meanings represented by the given Jyutping: Remind students to use Typeduck’s 3) English translations to find the correct Chinese characters (Answers: 逛街、貼、律師、橫幅).
  3. Guide the students to complete the fill-in-the-blank questions.
Using the hints and the provided image as a guide, complete the fill-in-the-blank questions using TypeDuck.
  1. 「表達意見」
    “Expressing opinions”
    go shopping
    提示 Hints:tip、kwaanggaai、 leotsi、 waangfuk

填充 Fill-in-the-blanks

填充題2(短文) 老師可以: 1)朗讀文章一次(除了答案位置) 2)教導學生提示的粵拼代表甚麼漢字:提醒學生用Typeduck的英語字義翻譯尋找正確漢字 (答案:接受採訪、網頁、爭取;涉及、律師、協助、更) 3)讓學生自行完成填充題
Fill-in-the-blank question 2 (Short passage): Here are some suggested activity steps: 1) Read the passage once (excluding the answer positions). 2) Teach students the meanings represented by the given Jyutping: Remind students to use Typeduck’s English translations to find the correct Chinese characters (Answers: 接受採訪、網頁、爭取;涉及、律師、協助、更). 3) Allow students to complete the fill-in-the-blank questions on their own.

根據提示,使用 TypeDuck 輸入中文詞語,完成填充題。
Using the hints, complete the fill-in-the-blank questions using TypeDuck.

  1. 我看到一群地盤工人在
    being interviewed
    strive for
    提示 Hints:zipsaucoifong、zangceoi、mongjip
  2. 我建議他們:「這種
    提示 Hints:hipzo、sipkap、leotsi、gang

選擇題 Multiple Choice Question

MC選項題 老師可以: 1)簡略介紹問題 2)讓學生自己自行嘗試用TypeDuck找出可選擇的粵拼的漢字,並完成題目 3)在對答案時和學生確認他們自行找出的漢字正確 老師可以憑學生的正確率去評估學生進度。 (提示:律師、橫幅、爭取、協助;答案:律師、橫幅)
Multiple-choice questions Here are some suggested activity steps: 1) Provide a brief introduction to the task. 2) Let students independently use TypeDuck to find the available Jyutping and corresponding Chinese characters, and complete the exercise. 3) When checking the answers, confirm with the students whether the Chinese characters they found on their own are correct. The teacher can assess the students’ progress based on their accuracy. (Hints: 律師、橫幅、爭取、協助; Answer: 律師、橫幅)
Circle all nouns.

語音練習 Phonetics Exercise

找不同 Spot the Difference

One word in each line has a different rhyme from the others. Paying extra attention to the way your mouth moves, circle the words that are different from the rest, and write down the common rhyme.

填色遊戲 Colouring Game

Answer: leaf(葉 jip)

玩法:點擊格子數次可以改變顏色。 請按字的韻母和顏色指示,為以下方格填上顏色。
Colour the characters based on their rhyme and the instructions below (Hint: clicking the grid few times can change its colour).
An image will emerge after you are done colouring. Can you guess what the image is? Type your answer in the circle!

打字練習 Typing Exercise

Suggested activity steps: teachers can read out the words/sentences for typing practice while working together with the students to complete the typing exercises.

主要按鍵練習 Main Keys Practice

Type the following words in order using TypeDuck. Correctly typed words will turn black, and incorrectly typed words will be crossed out with a red line.

  1. 律師 協助 爭取 橫幅 逛街
  2. 貼 接受採訪 網頁 涉及 更
  3. 橙汁 冷凍 支撐 看更 冷淡 兇猛 出生率
  4. 棒球 橫跨 出現 技術 描述 法律 效率
  5. 蝴蝶 碗碟 協助 網頁 體貼 接受 樹葉

短句練習 Short Sentence Practice

Use TypeDuck to type the following sentences and record the total time required.

  1. 你們可以找律師。
  2. 他們會協助解決。
  3. 看更叔叔很體貼。
  4. 棒球技術很好。
  5. 蝴蝶飛到葉子上。

擴張句子 Sentence Builder Practice

In this exercise, you will gradually expand a sentence.
1. 在第一行輸入綠色框中的單字。
Type the word in the green box on the first line.
2. 在第二行,輸入第一行綠色框中的單字,然後接着輸入第二行綠色框中的單字。
On the second line, type the word in the green box from the first line, followed by the word in the green box on the second line.
3. 依此類推,直到最後一行。
Continue this process until you reach the last line.


主題詞庫 Vocabulary Bank

Teacher asks the students what vowel sounds they have learned in this lesson.
Here are some suggested summary points: Students will have learned…
1. 認識了韻母aangeotip
1) the rhymes aang, eot, and ip.
2. 認識韻母聲旁——seot(朮)
2) the sound component(s)s seot (朮) .
3. 認識部首——木
3) the radical 木.
4. 認識與政府部門有關的詞彙
4) vocabulary items related to government departments.

以下是與政府部門相關的常用詞彙。使用 TypeDuck 輸入這些詞彙,並找出它們的意思!
Here are some common words related to Government Departments. Use TypeDuck to type out these words and discover their meanings!
政府zing3 fu2 人民jan4 man4 支持zi1 ci4 行政hang4 zing3 民意man4 ji3 社會se5 wui2 政策zing3 caak3 組織zou2 zik1 職位zik1 wai6 資助zi1 福利fuk1 lei6 文件man4 gin2 支出zi1 ceot1 報告bou3 gou3 監察gaam1 caat3 特首dak6 sau2 局長guk6 zoeng2 司長si1 zoeng2 協助hip3 zo6 輔助fu6 zo6 援助wun4 zo6 計劃gai3 waak6 基金gei1 gam1 資源zi1 zo6 設施cit3 si1 環境waan4 ging2 法庭faat3 ting4 公務員gung1 mou6 jyun4 工程gung1 cing4 經濟ging1 zai3 立法會laap6 faat3 wui2 醫療ji1 liu4 建築gin3 zuk1 審計sam2 gai3 科技fo1 gei6 顧問gu3 man6 氣象hei3 zoeng6 康樂hong1 lok6 通訊tung1 seon3 資訊zi1 seon3 税務seoi3 mou6 勞工lou4 gung1 運輸wan6 syu1 海關hoi2 gwaan1 管治gun2 zi6 選舉syun2 geoi2 貿易mau6 jik6 化驗faa3 jim6 薪俸san1 fung2 物流mat6 lau4 工業gung1 jip6 註冊zyu3 caak3 服務fuk6 mou6 事務si6 mou6