Lesson 1 家庭 Family

學習目標 Learning Objectives

  1. 運用 TypeDuck 輸入法,以粵拼輸入及選取文字。
    Learn the basics of using TypeDuck to type and select Chinese characters through Jyutping spellings.
  2. 用粵拼打出和家庭有關的詞語。
    Learn to type characters and words related to family in Jyutping.
  3. 學習韻母 aaiaai 的組合和常見詞語。
    Learn common characters and words with the rhymes aa, i and aai.

打字入門 Typing Basics

  1. 用 TypeDuck 鍵入 TAA
    Type TAA on TypeDuck.
  2. 你會看到讀作各個 taa 的中文字,其中只有「她」代表 she
    You will see numerous Chinese characters that are spelled as taa, and among them, only「她」means she.
  3. 接下來,打 SI,選擇「是」字;然後打 NGO,選擇「我」字;然後打 MAAMAA,選擇「媽媽」;最後打 .(句點)。
    Then type SI and select「是」, type NGO and select「我」, type MAAMAA and select「媽媽」, finally type a period . at the end of the sentence.

    每個中文字都是一個音節,可以用粵拼標示出來。只要記得拼法就可以打出中文字。粵拼數字代表該字的聲調,使用 TypeDuck 打字時可以省略。
    Every character has a specific spelling and can be typed out as long as you remember it! The numbers represent the tone, which can be ignored when you type.

重點詞語 Key Vocabulary

爸爸baa4 baa1 媽媽maa4 maa1 哥哥go4 go1 姐姐ze4 ze1 弟弟dai4 dai2 妹妹mui4 mui2 大家daai6 gaa1 gaa1 巴士baa1 si2 faa1 maai5 maa6 哈哈haa1 haa1

語音簡介 Phonetics Overview

簡介 Introduction

中文字音節多由 一個聲母一個韻母 結合而成。
Every Chinese character is one syllable, and each syllable in Cantonese is formed by combining an onset and a rhyme.
粵語常用韻母共有 51 個,下面是其中 3 個韻母:aaiaai
There are a total of 51 commonly used rhymes in Cantonese, and here are three of them: aa, i, aai.
老師可以先讀出同韻母的單字,再帶領學生一同讀出,讓學生感受及掌握該韻母的發音。 這部份盡量列舉了同韻不同調的中文字,讓學生明白即使聲調不同,這些字都擁有共同韻母。

韻母 Rhyme


以下是以 aa 為韻母的字。注意這韻母發音較長,因此要用兩個 a 去標示。
The following words contain the rhyme aa. Note that it is spelt with two as because this is rhyme is a long sound.


以下是以 i 為韻母的字。
The following words contain the rhyme i.


以下是以 aai 為韻母的字。讀音是一個長 aa 再加上一個 i 作結尾。
The following words contain the rhyme aai. It is made by first producing a long aa sound and then connecting and ending with i.

語文知識 Language Knowledge

簡介 Introduction

在筆記欄輸入 maa,隨意選取6-10個中文字。又輸入 gaa,同樣隨意選取6-10個中文字。
Try typing maa and gaa in the notes column, then pick a few characters from the list to output.
Do these characters have anything in common?

聲旁介紹 Phonetic Components Overview

這些聲旁為「馬」的字,讀音都是 maa
We can sometimes guess the sound of a character from its parts. In this case, the following characters with the sound component「馬」 are pronounced maa.
這些聲旁為「加」的字,讀音都是 gaa
We can sometimes guess the sound of a character from its parts. In this case, the following characters with the sound component「加」are pronounced gaa.

Characters sharing the same sound component are usually similar-sounding, but their meanings may be unrelated.
Characters sharing the same sound component are usually similar-sounding, but their meanings may be unrelated.
  1. 假如你在教科書看到「伽馬」這個詞,你可以猜出讀音嗎?
    If you see the word「伽馬」can you guess its pronunciation? 嘗試用輸入法或輔助工具找出這個詞的意思。
    Try using an input method or a translation tool to discover its meaning. 讀音:

部首介紹 Radical Overview


Chinese characters often have a component called “radicals”, and they can sometimes tell us about the meaning of the word. For example, when the radical is ‘亻’ (person), the meaning of the character is related to “humans”.

詞彙練習 Vocabulary Exercise

看圖填充 Fill-in-the-blanks

老師可以: 1)展示圖片「我的家人」 2)引導學生用 TypeDuck 輸入提示區的粵拼,按字義翻譯尋找符合圖片內容的中文詞語 (答案:媽媽、爸爸、妹妹) 3)由老師帶領完成填充題
Fill-in-the-blank question 1 (FIll in the blanks based on the image) Here are some suggested activity steps: 1) Show students a picture of “My Family.” 2) Provide students with a set of Jyutping spellings without revealing the meaning - teachers can then ask students to use TypeDuck and refer to the translations provided to pick the correct Chinese characters. (Answers: 媽媽、爸爸、妹妹) 3) Teachers can then follow up and guide students to complete the fill-in-the blank exercises.

根據提示及圖意,使用 TypeDuck 輸入中文詞語,完成填充題。
Using the hints and the provided image as a guide, complete the fill-in-the-blank questions using TypeDuck.

  1. 「我的家人」
    “My family”
    提示 Hints:muimui、baabaa、maamaa

填充 Fill-in-the-blanks

Here are some suggested activity steps:
1) Show students a picture of “My Family.”
2)引導學生用 TypeDuck 輸入提示區的粵拼,按字義翻譯尋找適合的中文詞語
2) Provide students with a set of Jyutping spellings without revealing the meaning - teachers can then ask students to use TypeDuck and refer to the translations provided to pick the correct Chinese characters.
(Answers: 家、巴士、花;大家、爸爸、買;哥哥、罵、哈哈).
3) Teachers can then let students complete the fill-in-the-blank questions on their own..

根據提示,使用 TypeDuck 輸入中文詞語,完成填充題。
Using the hints, complete the fill-in-the-blank questions using TypeDuck.

  1. 今天,我們一
    到九龍公園去。 公園裏有很多漂亮的
    提示 Hints:faa、baasi、gaa
  2. 走了一會,
    提示 Hints:baabaa、maai、daaigaa
  3. 可是
    elder brother
    提示 Hints:gogo、haahaa、maa

選擇題 Multiple Choice Question

老師可以讓學生自己自行嘗試用 TypeDuck 找出以下五組粵拼的中文字,請學生圈出不能吃的物件。如學生全對,畫面會出現綠色剔號。 (提示:巴士、芝士、傢俬、獅子、芝麻;答案:baasi 巴士、gaasi 傢俬、sizi 獅子)
Multiple-choice question Here are some suggested activity steps: 1) Provide a brief introduction to the task. 2) Allow students to independently use TypeDuck to find the possible Chinese characters corresponding to the given Jyutping and complete the exercise. 3) When checking the answers, confirm with the students whether the Chinese characters they found on their own are correct. Teacher can assess the students’ progress based on their accuracy. (Hints: 巴士、芝士、傢俬、獅子、芝麻;Answers: 巴士、傢俬、獅子)
Circle all items that are not edible.

語音練習 Phonetics Exercise

找不同 Spot the Difference

老師可以帶領學生一同讀出每一題的六個中文字,問學生哪一個字的韻母與別不同,引導學生判斷韻母。 (提示:aa、i、aai)

One word in each line has a different rhyme from the others. Paying extra attention to the way your mouth moves, circle the words that are different from the rest, and write down the common rhyme.

填色遊戲 Colouring Game

Answer:flower (花 faa)
玩法:點擊格子數次可以改變顏色。 請按字的韻母和顏色指示,為以下方格填上顏色。 填上顏色後會見到一個大圖案,請於圓圈打出圖案是甚麼。
Colour the characters based on their rhyme and the instructions below (Hint: clicking the grid few times can change its colour). An image will emerge after you are done colouring. Can you guess what the image is? Type your answer in the circle!

打字練習 Typing Exercise

主要按鍵練習 Main Keys Practice

Suggested activity steps: teachers can read out the words/sentences for typing practice while working together with the students to complete the typing exercises.

用 TypeDuck 依序輸入以下詞語。
Type the following words in order using TypeDuck. Correctly typed words will turn black, and incorrectly typed words will be crossed out with a red line.
Type the following words in order using TypeDuck. Correctly typed words will turn black, and incorrectly typed words will be crossed out with a red line.

  1. 媽媽 爸爸 姐姐 弟弟 爸媽
  2. 家 大家 他 她 哈哈
  3. 巴士 花 買 賣 芝士
  4. 傢俬 廁紙 芝麻 街
  5. 似 嗎 知 是 加 罵

短句練習 Short Sentence Practice

Use TypeDuck to type the following sentences and record the total time required.
Use TypeDuck to type the following sentences and record the total time required.

  1. 她是媽媽嗎?
  2. 他是爸爸吧?
  3. 爸爸帶廁紙。
  4. 媽媽買假花。

擴張句子 Sentence Builder Practice

In this exercise, you will gradually expand a sentence.
1. 在第一行輸入綠色框中的單字。
Type the word in the green box on the first line.
2. 在第二行,輸入第一行綠色框中的單字,然後接着輸入第二行綠色框中的單字。
On the second line, type the word in the green box from the first line, followed by the word in the green box on the second line.
3. 依此類推,直到最後一行。
Continue this process until you reach the last line.


主題詞庫 Vocabulary Bank

Teachers can ask students to summarize what they have learned in this lesson.
1)認識韻母 aaiaai
Here are some suggested summary points: Students will have learned…
2)認識聲旁—— maa(馬)和 gaa(加)
1) the rhymes aa, i, and aai.
2) the sound components maa (馬) and gaa (加).
3) the radical 亻(人).
4) vocabulary items related to family.

以下是與家庭相關的常用詞彙。使用 TypeDuck 輸入這些詞彙,並找出它們的意思!
Here are some common words related to Family. Use TypeDuck to type out these words and discover their meanings!
爸爸baa4 baa1 媽媽maa4 maa1 兄弟hing1 dai6 姊妹zi2 mui6 哥哥go4 go1 弟弟dai4 dai2 姊姊zi2 zi2 姐姐ze4 ze1 妹妹mui4 mui2 家人gaa1 jan4 兒女ji4 neoi5 子女zi2 neoi5 孩子haai4 zi2 兒子ji4 zi2 女兒neoi5 ji4 祖父zou2 fu6 祖母zou2 mou5 外公ngoi6 gung1 外婆ngoi6 po4 丈夫zoeng6 fu1 妻子cai1 zi2 夫婦fu1 fu5 家庭gaa1 ting4 屋企uk1 kei2 父母fu6 mou5 美滿mei5 mun5 幸福hang6 fuk1 家務gaa1 mou6 回家wui4 gaa1 辛苦san1 fu2 打掃daa2 sou3 打架daa2 gaa3 談天taam4 tin1 幫助bong1 zo6 父親fu6 can1 母親mou5 can1 姨媽ji4 maa1 姨丈ji4 zoeng6 姑媽gu1 maa1 姑丈gu1 zoeng6 表弟biu2 dai6 叔叔suk1 suk1 嬸嬸sam2 sam2 舅父kau3 fu2 舅母kau3 mou5 子孫zi2 syun1 親戚can1 cik1 長輩zoeng2 bui3 寵物cung2 mat6 融洽jung4 hap1 關心gwaan1 sam1 原諒jyun4 loeng6 探望taam3 mong6 結婚git3 fan1 照料ziu3 liu6 起居hei2 geoi1 親情can1 cing4 養育joeng5 juk6 疼愛tang4 oi3 慈祥ci4 coeng4 服從fuk6 cung4 戀愛lyun2 oi3 婚姻fan1 jan1 爭吵zang1 caau2 主婦zyu2 fu5 尊敬zyun1 ging3 孝順haau3 seon6